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Top Benefits of Steel Beams vs. Wood Beams

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There are lots of different types of beams that are commonly used in construction. Two popular options are steel beams and wood beams, and of course, among those two options, there are a lot of different sizes and types. Wood beams have many benefits, but if you can use steel beams for your construction project, you may want to do so. These are some of the top benefits of using steel beams instead of wood beams.

You Don't Have to Use as Many Beams

One aspect that you might not have thought about is the fact that you don't usually need as many steel beams as you do metal beams. This is a positive thing for a couple of reasons. For one thing, even though steel beams can sometimes be more expensive than those that are made from wood, you might be able to reduce your material costs by using them since you won't need as many of them. Additionally, you have more design options when you're using steel beams, such as if you would like to have big, open spaces in your design without worrying about there not being enough load-bearing beams.

Metal Beams Can Last a Very Long Time

No matter what type of construction project you might be working on, you probably want to make sure that your structure will last for a long time. Since you don't have to worry about wood rot and since steel beams are generally more durable overall, you should be able to count on your steel beams to last for a long time. This is an important aspect of durable, long-lasting construction.

You Can Use Heavier Building Materials

If you are working with heavier building materials, then you could be concerned about whether or not basic wood beams will be able to handle the weight. Luckily, steel beams are very strong, so they are great for use with heavier building materials.

There Isn't a Concern About Insects

With wood beams, you have to worry about termites, carpenter ants, and other destructive insects causing problems. Luckily, steel beams don't attract these insects, and these types of insects can't and won't damage steel beams. This can help you reduce your pest control-related concerns and costs.

When building a structure, you shouldn't assume wood beams are your best or only option. Instead, consider steel beams, which are often superior for the reasons above and more.
